Hisense RB403N4EW1 User Manual Page 6

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Upper cover of upper door
Upper hinge cover (right)
Upper cover
Corner cover
3. Take down the corner cover.
Note: Please hold the upper door by hand
during step 4 to prevent door dropping.
4. Remove the screws ①, and
remove part②.
5. Remove the upper door and place it
on a smooth surface with its panel
upwards. Loose screws, detach part
and part then install part and
another part (in the plastic bag)to the
left side with screws③.Put part just
detached back to plastic bag.
6. Loose screws used to fix the middle
hinge and remove middle hinge. Then
remove the lower door.
1 2
Special flange self-tapping
Stop block
Self-tapping screws
Door holder
Hisense Refrigerator
7. Place the lower door on a smooth
surface with its panel upwards. Loose
screws detach part and part
①.Turn part by 180°and then install
and part to corresponding position
on left side together with screws③.
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